Monday, November 22, 2010

snacking at night makes the mind go wild

So I was rewarding myself after making it through this week because I had to submit an assignment and go through an interview with The New Paper for my internship which I think, didn't go as well as I had expected. I went out for a BBQ gathering with my Bottega ION colleagues on Friday at East Coast Park and had loads of fun. To think I almost didn't go down until KY agreed to wait for me. Anyway, I didn't eat a lot but I laughed so hard at times, I had tears in my eyes. It was a non-stop laughfest. Gorgeous! How 'bout it? HAH!

Then I treated myself to a TV series marathon, mainly Brothers & Sisters and Grey's Anatomy, and now I find myself here, in the dead of the night, trying to complete my assignment which is due Tuesday morning. But my mind is just whirling and noisy and I can't focus. I keep getting distracted by my shows, but it's not that I'm watching. I mean I've watched, but I can't keep the quotes out of my head because it's so freaking hilarious. By watching Brothers & Sisters, I've learned "lessons" which I now call Bryanisms, which I realise is plagiarising since they're not my ideas, but what the hell.

Bryanism #1: If you bake the cake, he'll come.

Kevin was mad at Nora and when she was making his birthday feast, Scotty -Kevin's husband- told her that he wasn't coming and she said that if he baked the cake, Kevin would come. And I thought it was kinda funny and I can totally imagine myself saying that to someone, so why not?

Bryanism #2: You have to care about the carrots. It's the carrots and onions and celery that ground us. Nothing is more basic than that when the whole world is shifting and changing; you got to hold on to your carrots.

Again, Sarah was telling Nora that Kevin wasn't coming and she got irritated that her mum didn't seem to understand that so she yelled at her to stop chopping the carrots 'cause it wasn't important. And Nora told her that she was wrong. And what she basically meant by that quote was that in the face of change, you have to be grounded. You have to hold your ground. Although it's a pretty serious lesson, you gotta admit, the analogy is hilarious. HOLD ON TO YOUR CARROTS PEOPLE!

Bryanism #3: If someone disapproves of you drinking when it's not even noon, just say that you're being European.

Nora walked into the kitchen and found Kevin and Sarah sipping champagne and she was shocked to see them drinking when it wasn't even noon. She expressed her concern and Kevrah (a nickname they coined for themselves when they played doubles for tennis in the past) said that they were "being European". I chuckled. And I realised that I'm gonna say that until the end of time. This is what I love about screenwriting. They always have some witty and insightful remarks which we're all gonna adopt for the rest of our lives.

So that's basically what I can't get out of my head. I keep thinking that at some point in the distant future, I'm gonna use those quotes on people and laugh. And while the prospect of that is, well, hilarious, I have serious work to do. And my mind still won't shut up. I thought the post would work, an outlet to channel my mental energies but it didn't 'cause writing about those quotes just made me even more... crazy, for lack of a better term. And now I'm telling myself, "Ok. You gotta stop 'cause you gotta hold on to your carrots and stop laughing!" And I think I'm making things worse, aren't I? Hah!

Monday, November 15, 2010

my own personal brand of heroine (part 1)

Extracts/quotes from EW recaps/TV shows that crack me up like mad. This will be an ongoing thing and whenever I find something worth quoting, I'll post it up.

EW Brothers & Sisters recap, Annie Barrett, Cheat Drink Man Woman

"You know Marcus was just begging to be involved in the drama and is probably still relishing his facial wounds in his vanity mirror...which is probably surrounded by a dotted line of those huge round bulbs, fit for a stahhhhhhh!"

"And for Scotty, this was like a wake-up call to the rest of the Walkers as well as the viewers at home: Scotty is not perfect. We should stop assuming he is, even though that will be so hard because LOOK AT THAT PERFECT FACE. But no. "I'm just as lost and damaged and screwed-up as the rest of you," Scotty insisted. Okay, if he says so."

EW Brothers & Sisters recap, Annie Barrett, Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

"But the real drama presented itself in Luc's visiting mother, Gabriella Laurent (guest star Sonia Braga, who's appeared in many a TV drama, but best of all, hello, Alias!) Right off the bat, there were signs she was a complete narcissist loon and also -- now that I'm reading over her first few sentences on Luc and Sarah's doorstep -- a pathological liar. "Sometimes you miss your children so much you just cannot stay away from them." (Lie.) "My only desire was to come here to meet Sarah." (Lie.) "I went ahead and booked a hotel room." (Probably a lie.) "I would rather die before I distracted my genius son from his work." (LOL.) At least we knew we were in for a dazzling, emotionally draining treat, courtesy of a(n at least a) decade-old bottle of absinthe."

EW Gossip Girl recap, Sandra Gonzalez, War of the Worlds

"Before leaving to attend to Serena's ass his class, Colin issued a warning to Juliet: Back off or get cut off. Not that he was paying for her to live in the lap of luxury. Sure, Columbia doesn't come cheap, but wouldn't billionaire cousin at least give her some money to buy clothes that she didn't have to return? Sorry, I forgot this show is best watched with an absence of reason and logic. (That's not a complaint…)"

"Meanwhile, Serena and Colin's well-calculated cab rendezvous (still with no sex) turned into a conversation about a possible weekend away from the city together so they could get to know each other like a normal couple. Serena loved the idea, telling Colin, "I'm packing in my head already." Ah! So that's what fills that space…"

"At the loft, another arrangement was in the process of being made: one between Nate and Vanessa, both of whom had feelings of ill will toward Juliet. They wanted vengeance, so Nate proposed an alliance. He would distract Juliet if Vanessa went to Juliet's real apartment to look for information they could use. The decision was easy for Vanessa: "Let me see, writing a paper on Hannah Arendt or a secret mission that might help me clear my name? Let me grab my bag." (I'm a little shocked she didn't also bring along her broom and her cauldron.)"

EW Grey's Anatomy recap, Jennifer Armstrong, Heat Under Pressure

"Now, everything was coming to a head: Stark stole Alex’s idea to use a ping-pong ball to fix the liver problem (I’m dumbfounded that it would be okay to have a ping-pong ball lodged in your abdomen, but I’ll go with it), but April made sure the Chief knew it was Alex’s. The pancreas patient started to crash, and Bailey was busy, so she told Avery to “open her up.” And Derek, Meredith, Owen, and Teddy were squabbling over whether to give Cristina a talking-to that night — while, yes, they were performing simultaneous brain and heart surgeries that could determine the fate of the Middle East. I hope Cristina appreciated that."

EW Grey's Anatomy recap, Jennifer Armstrong, A Million Dollars, Baby

"At any rate, we, along with the eager doctors, were led to believe that one department would get this supposed million dollars. This meant the attendings would be spending their day proposing grand plans to the Chief, and the residents would be the attendings. In other words, it was not exactly the day you wanted to check into Seattle Grace. Here's something you don’t want to hear from the Chief of the hospital you are checking into: “Pray, people. We want God in the building today.” You also don’t want to come in with massive headaches due to a build-up of fluid in your skull that will require a shunt, only to be told by Dr. Derek Shepherd that you shouldn’t sweat the residents doing your surgery because, hey, “At some point we have to let them operate. That’s how we make new surgeons."

"Owen asked for disaster training. “We failed Charles Percy, one of our own doctors. I can’t face that.” I would love it if they ended up with some Charles Percy Memorial something — just to immortalize that poor, useless character forever. I feel like his name has come up more since he died than it did in the season he was on the show."

"Mark proposed a cosmetic medicine center and a burn unit, mainly because, um, he’s horny? “I’m not seeing anyone right now,” he told the Chief. “I’m not sleeping with nurses. So I’m an untapped source of raw power.” Only at this hospital is this a valid funding argument."

I had so much fun re-reading the recaps trying to fish out the hugely hilarious bits and I hope you guys have as much fun as I did!

Monday, November 1, 2010

being a hero has its price

Those were the last words uttered by Cristina Yang on the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy just before it ended. And it really struck a chord in me and I was inspired by that sentence to do some writing. On being a hero. Figuratively. I mean, I don't have any supernatural powers and frankly, I'm not that magnanimous enough to help every random stranger I come across.

There's something to be said about being a hero. What does the word 'hero' mean to you? What's the definition of 'hero'? A being of justice with supernatural powers who tries to help everyone, right every wrong and continuously save the world from the forces of evil until he/she can't anymore? Right. No, obviously not. Who are the heroes in reality? Gandhi... Mother Teresa... and I can't think of anyone else. Really selfless people who devoted their lives to the progress of society.

But is it really all that gratifying as people make it out to be? The concept of a hero... is it just the people's need to believe in miracles? In the face of all the crappiness and misery, to know that there is one person in the midst of it all who can still accomplish things. I think that's where the concept of a hero was born. The people need... no, they want to believe that there are miracles. A "hero" is just the manifestation of that desire.

However, at what point do we draw the line? When do we say that it's enough, and we stop? I mean we can't go on forever helping other people. What about us? When we need help, who's there? Perhaps many of you find yourselves alone. Like me. We spend our time helping people get through their crap because either we want to, or we like to but there's no one who can help us get through ours. Because we are supposed to be the strong ones. We're supposed to have already gone through our crap. Or maybe, crap isn't supposed to happen to us.

I'm a good sponge. And a good friend. Not trying to blow my own horn, but I pride myself on the fact that I'm one of the rare few you can call a TRUE friend. People confide in me and I listen. I'm a good listener too. And I try to help them, well... maybe advise would be a better word. I know some of you are like, "What can you possibly advise people on when you're only 19?" Touche. BUT, and a big but for that matter, I have gone through things that not many 19 year-olds have which have helped to make me the person I've become. I know that I'm dark and twisty. Scary and damaged. Prince of darkness. Whatever.

But like what Derek told Meredith, "If there's a crisis, you don't freeze. You move forward. You get the rest of us to move forward. Because you've seen worse. You've survived worse, and you know we'll survive too. You say you're all dark and twisty. It's not a flaw. It's a strength. It makes you who you are."

Those words spoke to me on some unconscious, emotional level because those of you who know me well, know that I've always identified myself with the titular character of Grey's Anatomy. And I like to think that the things I've gone through, gives me the experience and the ability to help my peers move forward through their crisis. Yeah, sometimes I'm at a loss for words. Sometimes I don't know what to say. But I'm not perfect. No one is. And I digress. But my point, and I do have one, is that sometimes... being a hero is too freaking exhausting. And lonely.

I really want to help my friends. I do. It's like I have a weird, creepy passion for it or something. But sometimes, I just wanna say "Stop!" and take a breather. Sometimes it's just too much to handle. I mean, if we want to help others, we can't let our own personal crap get in the way. So we put on a facade and pretend everything's fine. But it's not. And sometimes, wearing the mask gets too tiring and I would like to remove it.

And like I mentioned before, I find that in times of trouble, more than once for that matter, I have no one to turn to. I feel the need to do some talking, and I switch on my phone, go to "Contacts" and what do you know? I have no number to dial. Not because I have no friends but because either they can't understand what I'm going through or I don't know them well enough to start vomiting out my problems.

I've been looking for a Cristina. Someone who can understand what I'm going through and will always be there for me. As a friend. I'm looking for a soulmate who's a friend. If that even makes sense. Anyway, I thought I found one, but I was wrong. And I've been looking, but there's no one. I mean they don't call it soulmates if you can find it so easily, right? And I need someone urgently because sometimes I just feel these rush of emotions and I just wanna talk to someone before I end up screaming into my pillow like a crazy, deranged, neurotic person.

So yes... being a hero has its price. We try to be there for everyone, and string ourselves out in the process, but we find that when we fall... there's no one to catch us. Because we're supposed to be the "heroes". We're infallible. We're invulnerable. We have no weakness. And that's not true. Because as much as we're heroes, we're humans too. We're just as lost, and damaged and screwed up as everyone else.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Grey's Anatomy recap: I'm not G.I. Jane, I'm Attachment Barbie!

Early in the episode, we saw a tearful Teddy and as Callie revealed, "Oh... you didn't. She got attached." Yup. She so did. To his hair. Like me. Perfect hair, what more can I say? She wasn't able to follow Callie and Arizona's advice to not get emotionally involved. "Oh no. No no no. You were supposed to be smart and cool and G.I. Jane," Arizona explained.

"I'm not G.I. Jane, I'm Attachment Barbie!" Teddy moaned.

James Tupper was only signed on for three episodes so he had to go. My life is ruined! I need that pretty hair in my life! "I like you more than I wanted to," she admitted to Perkins. He cuddled her and said, "You fall for men who aren't available, engaged and only in town for a few weeks. You're making some lousy choices, Altman. You deserve a little more." And my heart just melted.

Alex was also battling his own form of trauma. Apparently, getting shot and almost bleeding to death in the elevator caused him to have a phobia of riding the elevators. So he had been taking the stairs all day and he smelled and the Chief pointed out that he needed a shower. Then he forced Alex to ride the elevator with him, up and down, until he was "not scared, just bored". And it worked.

The episode ended on a less happy note. April pointed out to Lexie that the reason why Mark kept staring at her was because he still loved her. Not because she was a freak. Lexie, full of hope, went to his apartment and found him getting hot and steamy with McDreamy's sister and she watched, disappointment clearly etched on her face.

So, what do you guys think? Was last week's episode up to your expectations? Will Cristina get over her new found fear of scalpels? Will April be de-cherryised? Will Lexie and Mark ever find their happily ever after? Sound off in the comments!

Grey's Anatomy recap: Use protection, people! Seriously.

In this episode, we were introduced to two medical cases. One was major, the other was well... funny. A patient in a hoodie shows up at Seattle Grace Mercy West but refused to come out of the car. Apparently, his wife forced him into the car and drove them there. And when he did come out, Lexie screamed and we realised why. He was covered in fungus-like warts and had claw-like hands that resembled a tree.

Mark explained that he had contracted HPV and in rare cases like his, his immune deficiency caused the warts to go out of control. It is, by the way, a real thing. The doctors offered to surgically cut and stitch each wart and offered to graft his skin as much as possible to make up for the damage. He initially refused but his wife, frustrated with spending years in the house, threatened to leave him if he didn't.

He got the surgery and we had very graphic and disturbing scenes as Bailey maneuvered her way through his tree hands. "You're going to be doctors, caregivers. You need to be able to handle anything the human body throws at you." she lectured, before screaming like a "bitch baby" when a spider (!) emerged from the tree-like hands. To make things worse, there wasn't enough healthy skin left for a skin graft so he was going to look like Frankenstein for about six months to a year. His wife had had enough. "I think love isn't enough anymore," she said to Mark. "Is that possible? That two people can really love each other and it just isn't enough?" She left.

On a lighter note, another couple came in and the girl complained of breathing difficult which she thinks is cancer. She disclosed freely that she was a virgin and she was waiting for their wedding night, which is going to be special. We soon found out that there was a blockage in her lung which turned out be a condom. She explained to her boyfriend, tearfully and adorably, that she put a condom on a banana at her bachelorette party and accidentally inhaled it in the process. "I just wanted you to have a good time on our wedding night," she wailed.

This led to a hilarious discussion among our doctors of the time they lost their virginity. April (Is it just me or did she have a new hairstyle? She looks much prettier.) said her first time was on a beach, at sunset. Right. Seriously? Alex burst out, "HA! You're a virgin!" Ooo... someone got busted! But we all know that in this horny hospital, that cherry ain't gonna stay forever.

Grey's Anatomy recap: Don't flame out on me

It didn't end there. Amy insisted on joining the surgery. Derek refused. She questioned him further on how he felt when he got shot. "I feel pain," he quipped, "Only because you won't stop talking." Oh snap! He told Cristina to book an OR 'cause she was scrubbing in. Cristina tried to worm her way out of it but Derek was having none of it. He was determined to help her regain her mojo. He posed some questions to Cristina about the surgery and all she could managed was "I don't know" and tried to push the surgery to Amy. Derek flatly refused and she walked out, presumably to book the OR.

Amy looked on, increasingly perplexed, and when Derek still refused to let her in, she said, "That's my patient. And you're going to let what's-her-face with the learning disability scrub in? Why don't you just shoot the guy?" Oh, crap. Big mistake. "Don't talk about shooting people in this building," he growled, "Don't criticise my surgeons."

Being the annoying person that she is, she then bounced up to Meredith and requested if she could put herself in Derek's surgery. But alas, her plan failed as Derek walked in on them. What impeccable timing! See? He knew you were up to something. He told her, "You think I'm going to let you do to him what you did to my Mustang? I don't think so." And she walked away, looking really pissed. And for the first time, I really felt sad for her. As much as I love to see her getting put down, maybe she was getting too much.

Meredith was all like "She's your sister" and "We all make mistakes" but Derek explained to her that she was high on pain pills when she crashed his car and she stole their mum's prescription pad to feed her addiction. She put their mum through so much pain after their dad died. Ok, so is he just angry with her? Or is there something else?

Predictably, Amy scrubbed in anyway and luckily she did, for Cristina broke down at a critical moment and she quickly took over and saved the guy. When the Shepherds were done, Cristina said the most un-Cristina line ever in the history of the chronicles of Grey's Anatomy. "So you're done, I can go?" she asked nonchalantly. Amy told Derek she was a dud and wondered how she ever passed her intern exam. "Cristina Yang saved my life. She saved my life. I owe her everything. Get out. Get the hell out!" he shot back.

Cristina paged Owen to the on-call room and asked him to tell Derek to back off. "Would you love me if I wasn't a surgeon?" she asked. "I would love you if you were a plumber," he said. "But would you love you if you weren't a surgeon?" She replied, "I don't know. Maybe."

Derek wasn't finished with Cristina. He was hell bent on helping her find her footing. He found her in the residents' lounge playing Solitaire and started his Derek speech. Apparently, he wouldn't pick her to be a part of his life. Professionally, yes but personally, no. But now they're family and he cares about her. "You're flaming out," he told her, "and as someone who cares about you, it's not okay." She explained that she could only remember bits of pieces of the surgery and it always comes back at very inconvenient times. So end of story. Really?

Apparently not. Derek took her to the morgue, I presume, and made her re-enact the surgery on a cadaver, step by step. She said it was stupid. He said it wasn't. "What's the worse that could happen? You'll kill him?" he joked. And she took her first cut.

Derek tried to make things right with his sister. Apparently, their tension go way back. Right to when their father was shot when they were kids. “How am I supposed to call you up and tell you I’ve been shot?” he said. “I can’t tell you about my pain. I don’t want you to know that pain exists.”

Grey's Anatomy recap: Soulmates, perky sister and not-so-perky brother

"I'm not G.I. Jane! I'm Attachment Barbie!" Ok, that quote was pretty epic. Really. I think it's possibly the best quote from tonight's episode although said episode was jam-packed with a lot of awesome quotes. But we'll talk about that in a second.

Tonight's episode was very Grey's. It was filled with the drama, the medicine and the humor. And as an avid fan of the show, I'm glad to see that six years later, the show still manages to retain the essence of what made it an award winning TV series. Like's resident Grey's recapper, Jennifer Armstrong mentioned, the shooting last season only served to benefit the plot for the upcoming episodes. Let's face it: Grey's got kinda strange last season, but now it's back. And better.

So we started with Cristina bursting into Mer's room in the middle of the night 'cause Owen was on-call and she was afraid to be alone. Mer then asked her to bunk with her and Derek on the bed for the night. Cristina said it was kinda weird but Mer told her not to worry since he's asleep and Cristina gave in.

Ok, hold up a minute. I really am enjoying this sisterly/soulmates bond that Mer and Cristina have going on which has clearly strengthen in the wake of the shooting, but isn't that overkill? I'm all for it. Power to the bonds of women, I say. But in all seriousness, isn't bunking with your best friend and her husband really creepy? And yeah, kinda weird? Doesn't it just seem wrong on so many levels when you imagine it? Ok you twisted people, heads out of the gutter. That being said, thank god we know Derek isn't that kind of guy.

And as expected, Derek woke up in the middle of the night, found Cristina on the bed and went back to sleep feeling really awkward 'cause he accidentally touched her hand.

Clearly, Cristina wasn't herself this episode and we saw the writers tackle the aftermath of last week's crawling-under-the-surgical-table fiasco. The Chief, the attendings and Dr Perkins (the most gorgeous and hottest trauma counselor ever with the most perfect hair) gathered around the round table (no, seriously, it was a rectangular table) to discuss the fate of Cristina Yang. A few suggested that she be relegated to admin duties because apparently, she wasn't hardcore enough to take on surgeries yet.

But Derek put forth an ultimatum. "She goes," he said, "I go." Wow, what powerful words. He knew that Meredith wouldn't be happy if Cristina got kicked out of the program or if she was assigned to admin duties because God forbid, Yang should not touch a scalpel again. So after a flurry of opinions around the "round" table, Derek strode out of the room and proclaimed, "Dr Yang, you're with me."

Yes! Yes Derek! I will go with you. Take me anywhere. Yang doesn't want you but I do! Ok, I had no idea what that sudden outburst was. Moving on. Let's pause here for a second so I can talk about James Tupper a.k.a Dr Perkins.

Though he was an ass to both Meredith and Cristina, refusing to clear the former for surgery when she's obviously the one who's ready to go back and wanting to assign the latter to admin duties (For crying out loud, you wanna put Yang in the corner? Shame on you Perkins, shame on you), he's definitely the hottest trauma counselor I've ever seen. I would fake craziness just so I can spend a private hour or two with him and gaze into his blue, blue eyes. And did I mention his perfect hair? His perfect, perfect, perfect hair? Wouldn't you just want to run your fingers through it? To quote Armstrong again, Grey's guys have a look and he's the prototype.

In bounces Derek's sister, who's a neurosurgeon as well -the Shepherds grow them like weeds- , who requested to be pointed in the direction of his office though she didn't have an appointment. Deja vu much? To be honest, I cannot stand Derek's sister. She's called Amy or Amelia for the record, just to put it out to the universe. She's so perky, and sunshiny, annoying and spoilt. And Meredith likes her! Oh my, how much our titular character has grown. I remember how much she used to hate happy, sunshiny people.

Anyway, she came to visit Derek because in her words he's "an ass who got shot and won't return her calls". And she brought him a present! Ho ho ho! A brain tumor in the form of a gorgeous guy with a stunningly cute grin whom she met when they hooked up in the airplane bathroom. Damn it! Why do these people have all the luck???

So when Derek met Amy, it wasn't pretty. I'm actually loving bitchy Derek. I mean, it's so rare to see this other side to him, except when he first met Mark and Addison. He exposed her hookup, brushed her off and rejected to "have coffee and catch up" with her. "I have a lot of sisters. If I bought them all coffee, we wouldn't have anything," he told Mer. You go Derek! I love him even more now.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

bright and shiny

For some reason, since I started watching Grey's Anatomy, I've always been able to identify myself with the main character, Meredith Grey. I don't know if it's the daddy issues, or the mummy issues or the severe abandonment issues which is the reason why I've always felt such a strong link. Call me crazy, but somehow I feel a deep connection with that character.

Maybe because on some weird emotional level I feel like I understand what she's going through because I'm kinda going through the same things as her. Obviously the problems are not as serious but I do face similar problems, and it really drains me emotionally at times.

She described herself as "dark and twisty", "scary and damaged" and somehow I adopted those same terms for myself. Ok, maybe that's where I'm going crazy. She describes herself as such because she knows that her problems of the past have emotionally stunted her to a point where she's afraid of commitment. Afraid to love someone because she's afraid to want him.

Though I don't have the same emotional blockage as her, but I face my own issues as well. I'm socially awkward amongst new people. I keep quiet and try not to draw attention to myself because I'm afraid of being judged. Afraid of being mocked and marginalised. I'm a social retard. And when the proverbial ice is broken, I become a creepy, chatting freak. A strongly opinionated person who can't seem to shut up and probably offends everyone around me. I'm the weirdo at the back of my class who chews his pencils, or hair, or whatever.

And I have serious self-esteem issues, which is kind of my fault because it stems from physical causes, but my parents aren't making it any easier for me. My mum storms in at 3 in the morning just to tell me that I'm a bastard and a good for nothing. Hah! So much for a healthy family environment, eh?

Looking back at my problems, I realised they stem from my toxic family environment. And I'm scared that when I grow up, I might not grow up to be the person I envisioned myself to be. Looking at Meredith Grey, I realised that's who I might become. I know it's just a TV show but the psychological/emotional effects of an unhealthy family environment are very, very real.

I don't wanna be scared to fall in love. I want to embrace it. The romance, the passion and the drama. All of it. I'm a very romantic person and I believe in things like soulmates and true love. Lingering gazes across the corridors, secret rendezvous in the elevators, the brushing of fingertips as you walk past each other... those are some of the things that I know are very unrealistic, but yet still hope will happen to me. And if it really does, if I do find my happy ending, I don't wanna find myself unable to accept it because I'm scared to.

Yet, the solution to my problem is very simple. Really. All I need is that one change I've been working for for so long. It's not gonna be a walk in the park but I know that once I've managed to achieve it, I'll finally be able to walk out of the shadow of my past.

I have grown very attached to describing myself as a negative and pessimistic person. That I'm dark and twisty, scary and damaged. Though I wish I can find someone who will accept the darker side of me, and tell me that being dark and twisty isn't a flaw but a strength for it makes me who I am, I wanna try and be bright and shiny. I don't wanna be a moody, brooding person who hates happy, sunshiny people for the rest of my life. I wanna try and be one of those happy people because I know I deserve better. I know I'm better than this.

I sincerely hope I can change my life and turn it around. When that happens, I'll walk in proud and tall, announcing to my friends that today is the day that dark and twisty Bryan disappears forever and bright and shiny Bryan takes his place and life is good...

Friday, September 10, 2010

pick me. choose me. love me.

I think Grey fans will forever remember those 6 words for the rest of their lives. I know I definitely would. I gasped and went "Oh my god" when I saw that scene. And it was just brilliant and touching. Imagine a girl, standing in front of a guy, telling him how much she loves him and asking him to choose her.

There was just this sense of vulnerability coming from Meredith. She put herself out there. She became emotionally invested in somebody. She knew she might face the cruel reality of rejection but yet she still did it. She was able to love somebody.

Those familiar with the show will be able to identify with what I've said. We know Meredith is dark and twisty, scary and damaged. She has abandonment issues and mummy issues and had to face the brunt of it when her relationship with Derek was found out. She knows, as well as we do, that she's so emotionally scarred that it's hard for her to let someone in. Hard for her to completely trust someone and love someone because she's scared to want him. And even after the wife thing with Derek, she finally realised how much she loves him and wants him that she was able to overcome her emotional difficulties, although not completely.

I know it's just a scripted TV show but sometimes, it just touches you and it's hard to deny that. Somehow, I can't imagine myself saying that but I think I will if I need to. I'm just that much of a sucker for romance. And I hope that one day, someone will say those same words to me.

"Okay, here it is, your choice... it's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Derek, I love you, in a really really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me." - Meredith Grey

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chestnuts 3D: Fried Monty aka Nightmare on Glee Street (Part 2)

Gosh, this recap is taking forever and I apologise but there's no way I'm gonna squash the miracle of theatre, which is Chestnuts, into 1 bloody page. So suck it up and live with it.

A sketch that deserves mention would be "Can You Service?" which parodies Singapore's own "Can You Serve?" reality TV competition series, and even Denise Keller. Not gonna spoil the fun but this sketch teaches you that the customers are not always right and that it is alright to not make things easy for the customers.

Another prominent sketch in the first half was Pondan News Asia. I have obviously heard of this sketch before and it's always the sketch I look forward to. What can be more entertaining than 2 gay men bringing you the latest, hardest and horniest news in entertainment? The focus was on iPondan, the new product of Apple or rather the "sister" product to iPhone.

The hosts, Jonathan and Rodney, invited the "representative of Apple" to introduce the audience to the new apps which catered to the users, for example, an app which could identify the gays around you by a pink dot. Furthermore, the iPondan didn't have antennae issues like the iPhone 4, a problem that was easily resolved by the difference in the way gay men and straight men hold their phones. Genius!

Jonathan and Rodney were of course excited (no pun intended) and Rodney exclaimed about the large number of pink dots in a 50m radius. The funniest has to be, hands down, the app which could allow you to view the profiles of people around you provided they were logged in. They found certain interesting profiles such as "Cherry Boy", "The Expandables" and "Optimus Prime". The app then revealed that the spokesperson for Apple was not as geeky and innocent as we thought, further reiterated by Jonathan's cheeky comment, "iPondan? Not so far off!" I particularly enjoyed Rodney's portrayal of a gay man in this sketch for his performance was so real and I wish he had more lines.

The Ip Man 2 parody provided us with an interesting insight at the 5 classifications of ratings, namely G, PG, NC16, M18 and R21, after which, the audience were allowed an interval.

The second half of Chesnuts had more "meat" and contained parodies of Inception (which explained how Jonathan had the idea to become a playwright for comedy sketches), December Rains, Ris Low's sister, and Fried Rice Paradise which was parodied to the music of Lady Gaga.

I have to applaud firstly, Jonathan Lim for his wonderful simultaneous performance of "Home" and a song from December Rains titled "请你告诉他". He switched between the 2 songs every line and he must have switched probably, I don't know... 30 times? Also, without a doubt, he has to be given the highest accolade possible for script writing for his genius and creative script for Chestnuts.

And secondly, Judee Tan for her amazing and perfect imitation of Ris Low's sister, Ivory Low IQ. Her accent is spot on, including the awkward pauses and mispronounced syllables. I particularly enjoyed the way she said "knnccb". She taught us the YOG cheer performed by JJ Lam and even sang for us. Oh god, bless thy soul. That being said, that was easily one of the best (if not the best) sketch in the play and it thoroughly deserved a standing ovation. I was even lucky enough to have the honor of speaking to Judee in person to convey to her how astounding her performance was as Ris Low and Ivory Low.

Random note: I really like Rodney's accent. Somehow it doesn't sound false or forced when Singaporeans try to speak with an accent. I don't know, is it just me? But I would totally listen if he read the phonebook or did the reading of Gatz.

Overall, Chestnuts has delivered yet another impeccable performance. I know it's just my second year and who am I to judge or critique? But trust me when I say you have to catch this play next year and I really suggest that you be prepared because you will be laughing so hard at their punchlines, fantastic one-liners and sexual innuendos that you would wish you could literally roll up and down the carpeted aisle. I have even included a picture of this year's nutty cast just for your entertainment, just make sure you clean up after you're done.

From left: Rodney, Judee, Dwayne and Jonathan

Chestnuts 3D: Fried Monty aka Nightmare on Glee Street (Part 1)

Woah, what a mouthful of words! But yet, those will be the words forever etched in my mind as I look back on the craziness and pure ingeniousness which is called, yes... Chestnuts 3D: Fried Monty aka Nightmare on Glee Street.

Before we start on this lengthy recap, let me just put it out to the universe that I'm not a fan of theatre or Broadway. I never ever go to plays and am one of those losers who do not know why The Bridge Project incites buzz from the theatre community. However, Chestnuts will and always be the one sketch that I will never miss and will actually see twice, like I did this year!

I was introduced to Chestnuts when I was 16/17, by my sister who has been an avid fan for many years. She used to regale me with hilarious stories from her experience and I, for lack of a better term to adequately express it, rolled on the floor laughing my ass off. Since living vicariously through my sister could crack me up, I could hardly wait to see the play in person. So it was with great anticipation when I was finally able to attend my virgin Chestnuts play last December, Chestnuts Does Christmas: Like a Hard Candy Virgin. Ahh... the irony of ironies. But that, sisters and sisters, is a story for another time and another day. Needless to say, it could all be summed up in one word: EPIC. I cashed the V-card with Chestnuts and I was so satisfied, bitches!

I was told that Chestnuts was usually a Christmas play, so it was with great surprise that I found out Chestnuts was doing their annual sketch in August this year and although there were some hiccups, I managed to obtain my tickets albeit later than last year. In the days leading to the play (August 30th), Chestnuts was all I could think about and I definitely wasn't in the mood to study for my exams in the coming week.

I went with a friend of mine who was very very interested after watching the Ris Low sketch from last year and she was excited about her virgin Chestnuts experience. I could totally relate to that. It was again held at Jubilee Hall in Raffles Hotel and the moment we stepped in, I could already feel the excitement building up. I have obviously read the raving reviews beforehand and needless to say, I was sure Chestnuts wouldn't disappoint me. Another thing I was excited about was Rodney Oliveiro. I knew he had participated in Chestnuts before but he didn't do Chestnuts Does Christmas and I wanted to see what he kind of an actor/performer he was.

Lady Gaga was playing on the speakers, a singer I'm sure many in the audience could identify with. As my dear friend, Miss Jay, once told me: Gaga is a lifestyle. Preach it, girlfriend! Finally, the seats began to fill and in the words of Ryan Seacrest: Dim the lights, here we go!

The cast for Chestnuts 3D are Jonathan Lim, Rodney Oliveiro, Judee Tan and Dwayne Lau.

It started, to my surprise, with the Glee sketch which was, as the title suggested, tied in with Nightmare on Elm Street. Rodney starred as Mr Krueger, the janitor who was wrongly accused of molesting a student when he was teaching her "jazz hands" and was Slushie-d to death by the parents when they heard he "jizzed on her hand". Hah! Leave it to Chestnuts to pull out the sexual innuendos less than 5 minutes into the play. Mr Krueger was then resurrected as the horrifying Freddy Krueger who swore revenge on the "annoying Glee kids".

Fans of Glee will enjoy this parody as they poke fun at Glee club singing with their high stools, Freddy's massacre and their comical way of dying. Kudos must really be given to Jonathan for portraying the character of Sue Sylvester in Sue's Corner. If Jonathan were a blonde, tracksuit wearing Causasian female and always angsty, he would inevitably be Sue Sylvester. Every word, down to the mannerisms and the arrogance, resembles thee original Sue Sylvester. And of course, where would Sue be without the famous catchphrase? And that's how Sue "Lees" it!

The audience became excited when Jonathan, dressed in a similar outfit to Kurt Hummel when he sang "Rose's Turn", appeared on stage. He stated (to the opening tune of Gaga's Alejandro) that he "can't keep up with this accent any longer" then proceeded to burst into tune of how he was asexual and he implored people to "don't call me(him) gay, don't call me gay, call me andro."

Special props have to be given to Dwayne Lau who did a magnificent impression of Figgins, right down to the accent and his obnoxiousness.

In the end, it took the combined efforts of, I can only assume, a pregnant Quinn (Judee Tan), Finn (Jonathan Lim) and Puck (Dwayne Lau) to talk Krueger down and convinced him that deep down, he wanted to be one of the Glee club. They then sang "We're all in Glee Together" and that drew the curtains on the first sketch of Chestnuts.

Disclaimer: Due to the lack of writing space and the fact that people are gonna go blind reading this on blogspot, I will not be going through all the sketches.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Last Airbender - should stop if M.Night continues to handle the adaptation

The highly anticipated movie by M.Night Shyamalan finally hit the screens in Singapore today. This movie generated a lot of hype even before it opened in the US on July 1st. To be honest, I was one of the few who waited anxiously for this movie even though I do not know half of the cast due to the fact that they're new or relatively unknown actors/actresses.

Anyway, it opened to mostly negative reviews and with full knowledge of the fact that it garnered 2 stars according to 8 Days, I went ahead to watch it today on its opening date. And after the movie, the only thing I could think of was "Thank God I could get a student price for the ticket and saved $3.50."

In a nutshell, the cartoon the movie is based on revolves around four nations, namely the Fire Nation, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom and the already extinct Air Nomads. The Fire Lord then decided to gain total control and attacked the other three nations. And now it is up to the Avatar, the only person who can bend all four elements, to stop the Fire Lord's evil plans. And the movie, which has been planned to be a trilogy, will depict Aang (the Avatar as well as The Last Airbender in the movie title) on his journey to learn to bend the remaining three elements (Water, Earth and Fire) which ultimately culminates in his epic showdown against the Fire Lord. The first movie follows the first season of the cartoon which ends with Aang mastering Water bending.

The movie was really disappointing, especially if you are a fan of it's cartoon counterpart, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Instead of going on and on about the bad points of the movie, let us talk about the good points first. I mean, there are always 2 sides to everything right?

The good points were the music and the effects. The music was composed by James Newton Howard and after a quick research, was revealed to have received a couple of Emmy and Oscar nominations for his work on movies and television. He has collaborated with Hans Zimmer (another renowned composer) on The Dark Knight. Although his credentials pretty much speak for itself, I think I will still talk about it.

The music accurately captured the mood of the scene and really engaged the audience. I felt the nervousness and the trepidation of the characters and especially for the big epic fight scene at the end where I could really feel my heart pounding with anxiety and it made me wanna leap into the screen and bend some water to fight the evil Fire Nation.

For the special effects, well... what else can I say? The effects were done by Industrial Light and Magic, who all of you know did the effect was Star Wars. Apparently, the CGI and visual effects took 9 months to create which was why the movie was released this late although filming wrapped up almost a year ago. Also, in case you did not know, one of the trailers which was suppose to premier last Christmas was pushed to February because there were not enough effects. This shows how much time and effort was put into the creation of effects for this movie.

The special effects, especially for the four elements, was really mind blowing. There is something about seeing real people bending elements "for real" than watching it as a cartoon. It provides a sense of realism and it makes element bending look much cooler. You see streaks of fire as it weaves up and down, left and right; you see an Earthbender erecting a huge stone wall from the ground and you see the debris as it gets blasted apart by a fire ball; you see spheres of water floating in the air before being separated into tiny droplets; and you see huge gusts of wind as the last airbender literally kicks up a tornado. The special effects really made me wish I was a Waterbender so I could have a super cool power to control water to turn people into ice statues or drop icicles on unsuspecting enemies.

Now we move on to what broke the movie. I thought the story was poorly adapted and the scenes were not planned well. They tried to jampack around 20 episodes into a short 1 hour and 40 minutes film and it felt rushed. Some key scenes which were included were cut short and it left me really unsatisfied because if you want to film that scene, as a huge fan of the cartoon, I rather you do a full version of it than a summarised version. The epic battle scene at the Northern Water Tribe was also shortened and changed. The only familiar elements from the cartoon were Aang meditating at the sacred pond, Katara freezing Zuko in a block of ice, Zhao killing the Moon Spirit and Princess Yue sacrificing her life force to revive the Moon Spirit.

Regarding the story, certain scenes were not chronologically accurate. For example, in the last segment of the film where General Zhao attacks Zuko when his back was turned did not actually happen during that battle in the cartoon. It was actually during an Agni-Kai (term for a duel between Firebenders) after Zhao invited Zuko on his ship. And the ship scene was actually included in the movie! The script was not accurate as well, especially the key speeches by the dragon in the spirit world who constantly guides Aang. For example, when Aang consulted him on how to defeat the Firebenders, I do not think he asked Aang to use the ocean to attack them in the cartoon and I am very sure he told Aang about the importance of the Moon and Ocean Spirits (which was omitted in the movie).

Ok, I admit that I watched the series over a year ago but I have a vague impression of where scenes should be and what was said because I have watched the whole series at least twice. I also acknowledge that it is an adaptation so not everything has to follow the series but as a fan, I feel insulted that key scenes and speeches were cut and changed entirely just so they could keep in time. As an adaptation, it was really poorly planned and executed.

Rating: 2.5/5.0

It would be a good movie to catch if you have not watched the cartoon and it is actually one of the more interesting movies showing now, besides Inception. Music and effects really helped make this hot honeyed wreck of a movie bearable.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grey's Anatomy Round Table: Season 6 Finale

1. What was your favorite Grey's Anatomy quote from the episode?

Charles: I'm dying right? I'm dying now.

Bailey: Yes. Yes Charles, you're dying.

2. Was this the best episode of the year - and/or the whole series?

A hundred percent the best episode of this year and in my Top 3 list of the series.

3. Mr. Clark on the loose: Well-written and emotional, or contrived and manipulative?

I would say a little bit of both. It was emotional; we all knew where he was coming from. We all saw how things came to this stage. However I felt that wanting "eye for an eye" justice does not justify him killing a couple of people mercilessly. Like how he shot Reed because she didn't want to chaperone him to Derek or how he shot Charles because he said he was a surgeon. If he really wanted an eye for an eye, why involve the innocent? Also, I felt a bit angry when he said to Derek (while holding a gun) that he's "the man now". Because it seems to me like he's just a coward, a spoilt child. He couldn't have things his way so he needed to resort to violence and needed a gun so he could feel like a man.

4. What were the saddest and most uplifting moments of the finale?

The uplifting moment was when Callie and Arizona literally kissed and made up. I felt the finale as whole was an emotional rollercoaster with mostly depressing moments. I had to think hard before I found an uplifting moment.

The saddest definitely had to be when Bailey
found out that the lifts weren't working, went hysterical before taking Charles into her arms and watch him die slowly. I cried during that scene and again when he died. I really felt how helpless Bailey was. It wasn't that she could do nothing; she was a surgeon, she had the skills. But yet there was nothing she could do but be with him as he took his last few breaths.

5. Which actor/actress' performance was most Emmy-worthy?

Definitely Michael O'Neill as guest star. Honestly, the whole episode worked because he pulled off a deranged shooter role so well. For the series regular, it's a toss up between Chandra Wilson as Bailey where she tried her hardest to save Charles's life but failed or Sandra Oh as Cristina when she was operating on Derek with Clark pointing the gun at her.

6. Will Meredith tell Derek about the baby?

I think she will. Meredith is no longer dark and twisty Meredith. Even Shonda said so. Meredith will definitely tell Derek about it; there's no reason to hide.

7. Does Lexie really love Alex?

I think she loves him but not it's not the "through life and death" kind of love. As both Meredith and Cristina said, her heart lives in her vagina and since her relationship with Alex has all the while been based on sex... go figure. Furthermore, they were in a crisis, she thought Alex was dying and wanted to do everything she could to save him. Hence, that's why I think she told Alex she loved him.

8. Do you like voiceovers?

I love them! It gives viewers a brief idea on the theme of the episode. Especially for Grey's, the quotes are very meaningful and wise. However, I would appreciate it if the voiceovers could be more be more general at times. Instead of being like "As a surgeon... Surgeons believe... In the OR...", you get the picture. It's a pain sometimes when trying to use quotes from Grey's because it's very centered around the medicine.

Friday, May 7, 2010

tony stark is here for your entertainment?? don't forget black widow!

So I'm back at work. First day back after a 2 week break. And I was late. Seriously? If I could, I would want slap myself. Ok, logically I could, but you know what I mean. Come on, seriously? Seriously! Finally watched Iron Man 2 just now and I've heard raving reviews about it. TNP gave the show three out of five stars and I have no idea why. I distinctly remember Jeanmarie Tan saying something like they tried to pack too much good things and it backfired. I know the other guy mentioned something like Pepper Potts a.k.a Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't shut up.

True, I have to agree with the latter but I beg to differ with the former. No disrespect to Jeanmarie, I've spoken to her before and she is a really nice person who, I assume, is good at what she does. After all, she is kind of a household name if you read TNP regularly. Anyway, I do not think Iron Man 2 tried to pack too many good things into a two-hour movie. On the contrary, I think certain scenes could have been enhanced, especially the last fight scene with Whiplash where it ended, in my opinion, rather lamely. On the flip side, there are always gorgeous stars to gawk at.

Robert Downey Jr. comes back better than before, looking mighty fine in this sequel. His charming megawatt smile combined with his flashy ways are bound to leave the female fans in awe and spellbound. Oh, and did I mention the perfect hair? Gwyneth Paltrow returns to the cast, dazzling the audience with poise, wit and beauty. A new addition to the cast, Scarlett Johansson a.k.a Black Widow, wows the audience with her skin-tight suit which only serves to show off her stunning figure. Also, I can personally vouch that almost everyone was captivated by the slick fight moves towards the end of the movie where she effortlessly single-handedly defeats about a dozen enemies. At least I know I was.

Iron Man 2 is certainly a must catch blockbuster of the year. Honestly, we have been starving since the start of the year and finally someone hands us a cracker. I strongly urge everyone to catch it before the movie ends its run. It's filled with action, humor and good acting. There are literally explosions at every turn leaving even the most action-hungry fans satisfied to the point where you might start gripping your seats. Besides action, there is also good scriptwriting which brings out the individual personalities of the characters. Even if all of the above do not appeal to you, at least catch it for the A-list eye candies.

Rating: 4/5

Monday, April 26, 2010

the calm before the storm

So earlier on I tweeted something about a change coming. How a life altering change is nearing and I can feel it. How I hope it would come faster. Well... I only have one thing to say. Two things, actually. Firstly, I was so wrong because the change I was expecting wasn't the change that came. Secondly, be careful what you wish for.

Something happened today. Something huge... something major... a life changing something. I can't talk about it here because it's not something I want to share with the entire world or anyone who has access to the Internet. But I need an outlet because now I'm nervous and my feelings are just all over the place. I don't think most people can help me with what I'm about to go through. I don't know how I'll be affected but I know it'll definitely be bad and it's going to be probably the most trying experience of my life.

I believe everything happens for a reason. And maybe there's a silver lining behind possibly the darkest cloud of my life. But I cannot imagine what good can come out of it because I know definitely for a fact, I'm not going to come out of this unscathed. It's going to affect me and I know it's not going to be good. With all these tribulations I'm going to face, how do you expect me to always look out for the freaking silver lining?

And seriously, it's not a minor issue I'm talking about here. It's really a major issue, one that has shaken us to our core. It's something that even I, for once, don't know how to handle, expect or face. I don't know what to expect, hell, I don't even know what's going to come. I don't know. And I don't know how to face something that's coming when I don't even know what's coming. And I think that's probably what scares me the most.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

what becomes of the broken hearted

I never thought I would be that emotionally invested in Idol. Honestly, I never thought I would. I've never been a real fan of Idol and it's the kind of show where I would watch if I happen to see it but I won't tune in week after week. And now... for the first time ever... I'm crying over it. I'm crying because everything is so cosmically wrong. I'm crying because everything's screwed up. And I'm crying because she's gone. Yes, I'm referring to Didi Benami.

I heard the news earlier this morning and I was in shock and very upset. Then a couple of hours passed and I thought I had reached an acceptance stage of what happened to her. I initially thought I would cry when I watched the results show but during the show, before her elimination, I had no surge of emotions yet. So I told myself, "Maybe I won't cry." But during her exit performance, I started to feel it. The rush of emotions which would activate my tear ducts. Then Simon delivered the verdict of doom and they were showing her exit package and the tears just flowed. And now it can't stop. At the end, oh crap, it's getting harder to write this...

At the end, she just broke down during her package and Siobhan and Crystal went for a hug before the whole group swarmed in. And my heart just broke. It just did. It's just so saddening for her and I felt it. Then the judges walked over to console her. I only have this to say to the judges, "Stop acting like you really feel sad. All of you are culpable for this."

For the first time in my history of watching Idol, I didn't scream at my TV screen. I didn't rage. I didn't have thoughts of taking a harpoon and stabbing people in the eye. I just stood up and walked to my room and cried. My heart sank into oblivion and it's going to take a while before I recover. Yes, I'm an emotionally fragile person and you know what? I'm proud of it. I'm proud of Didi for coming to the show and trying to carry on the torch for her friend. I'm proud that she didn't let the judges stereotype her into one genre. Now I wish Didi would tell me what becomes of the broken hearted......

If Didi could read this, this post is dedicated to you. I'm consoling myself by hoping that she would get picked up by a good record label. It's a long shot since she finished 10th but we all know she's not 10th position material. And I keep telling myself that I won't cry, but it's just difficult. I'm sorry.

I've emotionally disconnected from Idol and I swore I would not watch the rest of this season unless it's an interesting week or the finals where Kris will perform. And someday, maybe... hopefully... someday, Didi will come out with a chart topping album and come back to kick your asses.

an Idol sucks so bad now production

So I've not been posting anything for around a month and I'm going to start now and a note of caution... it's going to be Idol crazy on my blog.

Since the first live Idol performance show (Top 24), all the rage and fury that I've felt haven't really been appeased much. There's so many aspects that I'm angry about.

The first is that the stubborn and obnoxious contestants keep picking songs performed by Idol alumni, especially Season 8 champ Kris Allen (who you know I love) and botching it. First came Tim Urban's "Apologize" then Jermaine Sellers's "What's Going On". I get that contestants do songs that previous contestants have covered but not when firstly, it was performed last season and secondly, it was performed by the IDOL WINNER.

Part of the justice was served when Jermaine got voted off but Tim still remains... up to now. And I'm just so angry about it. Like give Kris some respect. I mean TPTB already hates him (I'll talk about that in a moment) for christ's sake. Don't insult him further by doing a wrecked up cover of a song he had an Idol moment with.

The next thing I'm angry with is that the judges keep slamming Didi week after week after freaking week. Fine, I get that some weeks were not as strong as others but no matter how she did, Didi on a bad day did not deserve the slamming that you guys never fail to serve her every week. It seems like the producers have a script where they have a plan to kick out certain contestants at certain points in the competition with Crystal ultimately ending up as the winner (I'll talk about that later too) and they're using the judges to ruin it for Didi every chance they get. You tried to throw Kris under the bus last season and I'm not over it. So now I hope that Didi wins just so to prove them stupid people wrong.

Thirdly, stop pimping so hard for Crystal. I have a theory on why the producers are so hell bent on having Bowersox as the champ. It's because she's the only contestant who has been consistently performing on the show. But in retrospect, Crystal has never had an Idol moment. Andrew had it with 'Straight Up', Didi had it with 'Terrified' and to a certain extent, 'Rhiannon' and Siobhan had it with 'House of The Rising Sun'. If you want to compare, shouldn't these contestants be the ones who have a better shot at the crown? I mean at least they've shown what they can do but Crystal has not proven herself enough.

I'll put it out there that I HATE Crystal and it's not because of her. I like her personality, sometimes it's funny and she can, as Slezak puts it, tame Simon and not get burned. I blame it all on the judges especially that stupid Brit sitting at the end of the table and starting almost every sentence with "I genuinely, honestly believe with all my heart blah blah blah..." (Screw you, I don't want to know what else you have to say. TOOL.) He keeps pimping Crystal so hard (remember when he was giving advice to the contestants in general for Top 11 week and described Crystal as being in a "different league"?) and it's making me hate her.

Finally, the last thing I'm really really really angry about, is WHY THE HELL WON'T IDOL GIVE KRIS ANY RESPECT? HE HAS ALREADY WON FREAKING IDOL FOR F**K'S SAKE! SHOW HIM SOME RESPECT, YOU DUMB SHITS. The judges refuse to say anything nice about Kris or reference him in any way during their critiques even when they can (like when they were critiquing 'What's Going On' and when Simon told Aaron that he has seen 'Ain't No Sunshine' performed "brilliantly many times" when it was only covered by Kris and another contestant in SEASON 1) and I'm just so sick of TPTB working against Kris even almost a year after his deserving victory. Adam has already been referenced once or twice. To top it off, executive producer of Idol, Mr Ken Warwick, forgot Kris's name during an interview with E! Entertainment and his PR had to remind him and yet he called Kris "that guy". To Mr Warwick, I only have this to say "Screw you, and your stupid group of f**ked up producers. And FYI 'that guy' kicked your guys' asses."

P.S. TPTB = The Powers That Be a.k.a Idol Producers

Friday, February 26, 2010

first Idol results show with... KRIS ALLEN

As February draws to a close, I'm going to make use of the last few days and spam my blog with Kris Allen related posts. I'm ready to get slapped but there's only 2 more days so I don't really care. At first I didn't want to live blog the results show because I want to kick back and scream at my TV (with rage in a completely ballistic manner) and scream at my TV (gushing and squealing with delight every single time the camera does loving close ups of Kris or the Haiti clip shows his gorgeous/hot AND adorkable hairstyle/look) while wishing (in the back of my mind) that I can go down to L.A. with a harpoon and stab FOX in the eye.

Ok, enough said. Here's the full transcript.

10.34pm: Ellen's a refreshing breath of fresh air on the judges panel. Just realised Kris's face appears 4 times in the opening credits!!!

10.35pm: Didi!! Benami!!

10.37pm: Ok, sweep the mediocre guys off the stage please and put Kris on.

10.41pm: Siobhan's nose ring (?) is very very distracting.

10.43pm: I don't get y they pit poor Janell against Katie. It's kinda obvious? I mean Katie in pimp spot 2 nights back? Hello!

10.45pm: And now, WTF??? I'm so angry I want to punch a puppy in the face. Others deserve to get kicked out more. Praying for wildcard...

10.46pm: SEE? SEE THAT WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE?? Thanks. You chose out of tune people than that awesome girl.

10.50pm: Yes Ryan. And u emphasise that Janell is gone by sitting in her spot. ALLISON!!

10.53pm: Paige "I-can't-sing-in-tune-to-save-my-life" Miles... wanna see talent? Look at that red haired girl.


10.57pm: See? Didi vs Ashley. Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

11.00pm: LOL. Ashley... u sang out of tune on ur exit song. *applaude* Seriously...

11.05pm: No words can describe my extreme annoyance with Tyler "I-want-to-try-and-act-goofy-but-fail" Grady.

11.09pm: Not really interested in the guys because they're mediocre with the exception of Garcia. But seriously, what's-his-face is good.

11.10pm: As in the person singing now. The person voted off. Seriously. Everything is cosmically wrong in this episode.

11.11pm: YAY!!! KRIS IS COMING OUT SOON!! OMGOSH! I'm hyperventilating into the cushion. Someone fetch me my inhaler!!


11.16pm: I've been screaming Kris's name since he appeared. KRIS!!! KRIS!!! I'm screaming at my TV. KRIS!!

11.17pm: To the guys: Take a look at Kris because u'll never be as good as him. Soak in his pure awesomeness and overflowing talent.

11.17pm: OMG. HE LOOKS TOO CUTE!!! Kris's hair in Haiti rocks. Really makes him look good.

11.18pm: This is what I call THE American Idol. Suck on it guys. Because he puts ALL of u to shame.

11.19pm: Omg. I almost teared at that soulful and emotional performance of 'Let It Be'. And they ended the clip with his hot hairstyle!!!

11.20pm: I'm officially speechless. Every performance by Kris is astounding and perfection. I'm so proud. So happy. So touched.

11.21pm: Ok, I'll try to stop spamming Kris-tweets. Operative word being "try".

11.23pm: So Casey "Sexed-it-up-for-Kara" James and Jermaine "Threw-the-band-under-the-bus" Sellers are safe. Hmm...

11.26pm: Tyler Grady... BUH-BYE. Ur misstep has nothing to do with criticism. U're just unappealing and disgusting and annoying.

11.28pm: The judges should not use terms like "Best I've heard/Best so far/Best of the bunch" so loosely.

11.29pm: The only thing messing my mind now is your face. And your voice. And your retarded actions.

11.30pm: Fyi, it's not in a good way. Only one person can mess my mind in a good way. Felt obliged to put that as Idol ends...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

top 24 week (girls) with kris allen (?)

So now I'm all clean and hyped up, it's time to start the live blogging on Twitter. Yeah, I know... with only 140 characters it's going to be a pain, so time for me to bring out my dusty dictionary on short forms and acronyms and hit the TV. The full transcript will be posted here as well. Oh, the "?" beside Kris's name is because I don't know if he's on the episode I'm going to watch now or the next. News says it's the 25th results episode which is in 8.5 hours' time but Slezak blogged about him during his live blog along with comments made by a couple of viewers. Never mind, I'll just live blog both if it's tomorrow's episode.

Ok, just finished the 2 hour Idol episode. Here's the full transcript of my live blogging.

12.32am: Watching opening credits. Omg! Kris's face! Again! And again! Wow... Ryan looks good!

12.33am: Who's Paige? Didn't even see her at all. Maybe I wasn't watching closely. Bowersox is 2nd last, surprise much? Didi's 4th last....

12.35am: Hmm... Bowersox 2nd last... hmm... Yes, as much as I admit the girls are better but seriously? PRODUCER MANIPULATION!!!

12.37am: Randy is no longer first. Hopefully he manages to say something useful for the first time in 9 seasons.

12.37am: Ellen's vid is hilarious! That's so her. But I hope she doesn't turn it into The Ellen Show. Thanks FOX for bringing smth relevant.

12.39am: Haven't seen Paige before. Not a good sign.

12.42am: Fine, the last note I'll give it to u. But the opening was so flat. Omg! Notes were off. Let's see what the judges say.

12.42am: Simon, R U DEAF??? Best voice??? Ok, the song choice doesn't matter because she CANNOT SING.

12.43am: Kara, she "slayed" the verses, i.e. PHYSICALLY ABUSED. Omg Ellen! Don't fall into the producer's control!! she DIDN'T SOUND GREAT.

12.48am: Does Ashley look like Jordin Sparks? Or does she look like Jordin Sparks?

12.50am: Is there something wrong with the sound system on Idol or was she not hitting the low notes? Had to up my volume by volumes.

12.52am: Randy FINALLY makes a relevant comment! Cheers! Let's bring out the wine and celebrate!!!

12.57am: Janell, please please please give us a good performance. U're the first 3 so u might not be pimped but I'm wow-ed by ur House of The Rising Sun.

12.59am: Nice! Pants maybe a bit too tight? Hands were definitely shaking. HOTRS best still. She needs an Idol moment if she's in Top 12.

1.00am: Unfortunately, Simon's right. She underdelivered. Surprisingly, Kara's giving concrete advice and being way less annoying.

1.02am: Urgh. Lily still with the grey/white hair. Change it. For the love of God. At least Allison's hair rocked.

1.07am: Lily has very nice vocals. Her voice is rememberable. If there's such a word. Like the way she puts a bluesy spin on the song.

1.08am: Green dress not really matching, imo. Agree with Ellen totally. Simon, really? "Best so far"?

1.09am: No star power? That's what u said about Kris last season and guess what? He won. Do u want to eat ur words in ur last season Simon?

1.10am: Kara please. Stop it. Omg. THAT'S obnoxious. You honestly think you're Ellen?

1.16am: WHAT IS WITH THE OUTFIT KATELYN??? Looks like some skanky bar girl singing in a bar.

1.18am: Kate has a competent voice but definitely overshadowed by some of the stronger voices in the competition atm.

1.20am: But kudos for changing up the song though.

1.21am: Haeley, CUT DOWN on the freaking flowers. (pun intended) Nice arrangement but she sounds screechy on the higher notes?

1.23am: Technical a.k.a vocal abilites. And yes, I agree with Kara.

1.24am: She's not ready! Omg. FOX just give her a few years to practice and just chuck her in Top 12 when she comes back. She's not ready.

1.30am: I see Megan. Is something wrong if they're showing Megan but not Kris in one of their "flashbacks"???

1.32am: Poor Lacey. She sounded strained at times? But love the arrangement of the song and the sitting-on-stool thing.

1.34am: Yes. Sixpence None The Richer would work well for her. Nice eyes? Hmm... did Simon undergo a religious conversion?

1.42am: Does Michelle look like Leona Lewis? There's too many lookalikes!!!

1.43am: THANK YOU ELLEN. You said everything on my mind. But I would not describe the performance as "fantastic".

1.44am: Hah! Kara - commercial looking. Was wondering when you would show the "package artiste" side of you.


1.45am: She looks like Ali Larter from Heroes? Ok, this is getting weird. Yes, America has seen enough of your tears.

1.46am: OMG! THE WAY I AM! Love that song.

1.47am: Aww... Didi... what happened? You have a great voice but it was pitchy and the slow tempo didn't really work in the middle.

1.49am: Simon, that WAS NOT indulgent. I repeat. WAS NOT. And I will remember it, bench!

1.50am: STOP HARPING ON STAR FACTOR/POWER!!! It doesn't mean you'll win if you have it. Apparently Kris didn't have it.

1.51am: Crap. Now Siobhan Magnus resembles someone as well. Ok, is my brain going haywire?

1.55am: Did Ryan pronounce it as Shiovan? Haha. What does it mean being a dark house? Look at Kris Allen.

1.58am: Undecided on Siobhan. Was she making some form of goo-goo eyes at the camera at the end? Not really into her but good vocals.

1.59am: Yes Simon. Blowing glass all day long makes you a dark person. Seriously. Seriously. Wth?

2.01am: Didi's performance is like a fresh grown flower amid a field of crap. So why is she being hit so hard by the judges?

2.02am: Sorry for the randomness. Didn't manage to type this thought out earlier.

2.06am: Wow... I finally get the hype over Crystal Bowersox. Love her artistry and her musical abilities. But not digging her vocals?

2.07am: She definitely delivered a solid performance but her voice is a bit deep? And Ellen, why couldn't u say the fresh comment for Didi?

2.08am: So Crystal is refreshing but not Didi? And Simon hit the nail on the head. Next year/week? Purely coincidental slip?

2.13am: Oh yah, Crystal needs to whiten her teeth first before anything.

2.15am: Didn't Adam perform this song last season and (can't believe I'm saying it) kicked ass?

2.17am: Ridiculous chops? "Couldn't hear yourself"? Ok, is this the blatant result of producer manipulation?

2.18am: I had no idea FOX was a fan of Katie. And why does Katie get a get-out-of-jail-free card? Kara - "Couldn't hear yourself".

2.21am: Just finished looking back on the quick reviews. Some suprised me but some didn't. Not a fan of some of the supposedly good pple.

2.21am: But one thing's for sure. If Katie's clip package features her grandmother again, that's it. 'Cause it's getting irritating now.

2.22am: Jermaine Sellers in the last spot? Eww... someone get Purifory back.

2.23am: Ok, that's it for my live blog. No Kris though. Thanks for bearing with me thru everything guys. Sorry abt the spamming.

So that's it for the live blogging on Twitter. Really sorry to my followers for the spamming. No Kris Allen, think he's on Friday's episode instead. Can't wait. And I thank you if you actually bothered to read until the end of the live blogging session.