Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grey's Anatomy Round Table: Season 6 Finale

1. What was your favorite Grey's Anatomy quote from the episode?

Charles: I'm dying right? I'm dying now.

Bailey: Yes. Yes Charles, you're dying.

2. Was this the best episode of the year - and/or the whole series?

A hundred percent the best episode of this year and in my Top 3 list of the series.

3. Mr. Clark on the loose: Well-written and emotional, or contrived and manipulative?

I would say a little bit of both. It was emotional; we all knew where he was coming from. We all saw how things came to this stage. However I felt that wanting "eye for an eye" justice does not justify him killing a couple of people mercilessly. Like how he shot Reed because she didn't want to chaperone him to Derek or how he shot Charles because he said he was a surgeon. If he really wanted an eye for an eye, why involve the innocent? Also, I felt a bit angry when he said to Derek (while holding a gun) that he's "the man now". Because it seems to me like he's just a coward, a spoilt child. He couldn't have things his way so he needed to resort to violence and needed a gun so he could feel like a man.

4. What were the saddest and most uplifting moments of the finale?

The uplifting moment was when Callie and Arizona literally kissed and made up. I felt the finale as whole was an emotional rollercoaster with mostly depressing moments. I had to think hard before I found an uplifting moment.

The saddest definitely had to be when Bailey
found out that the lifts weren't working, went hysterical before taking Charles into her arms and watch him die slowly. I cried during that scene and again when he died. I really felt how helpless Bailey was. It wasn't that she could do nothing; she was a surgeon, she had the skills. But yet there was nothing she could do but be with him as he took his last few breaths.

5. Which actor/actress' performance was most Emmy-worthy?

Definitely Michael O'Neill as guest star. Honestly, the whole episode worked because he pulled off a deranged shooter role so well. For the series regular, it's a toss up between Chandra Wilson as Bailey where she tried her hardest to save Charles's life but failed or Sandra Oh as Cristina when she was operating on Derek with Clark pointing the gun at her.

6. Will Meredith tell Derek about the baby?

I think she will. Meredith is no longer dark and twisty Meredith. Even Shonda said so. Meredith will definitely tell Derek about it; there's no reason to hide.

7. Does Lexie really love Alex?

I think she loves him but not it's not the "through life and death" kind of love. As both Meredith and Cristina said, her heart lives in her vagina and since her relationship with Alex has all the while been based on sex... go figure. Furthermore, they were in a crisis, she thought Alex was dying and wanted to do everything she could to save him. Hence, that's why I think she told Alex she loved him.

8. Do you like voiceovers?

I love them! It gives viewers a brief idea on the theme of the episode. Especially for Grey's, the quotes are very meaningful and wise. However, I would appreciate it if the voiceovers could be more be more general at times. Instead of being like "As a surgeon... Surgeons believe... In the OR...", you get the picture. It's a pain sometimes when trying to use quotes from Grey's because it's very centered around the medicine.

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