Monday, November 22, 2010

snacking at night makes the mind go wild

So I was rewarding myself after making it through this week because I had to submit an assignment and go through an interview with The New Paper for my internship which I think, didn't go as well as I had expected. I went out for a BBQ gathering with my Bottega ION colleagues on Friday at East Coast Park and had loads of fun. To think I almost didn't go down until KY agreed to wait for me. Anyway, I didn't eat a lot but I laughed so hard at times, I had tears in my eyes. It was a non-stop laughfest. Gorgeous! How 'bout it? HAH!

Then I treated myself to a TV series marathon, mainly Brothers & Sisters and Grey's Anatomy, and now I find myself here, in the dead of the night, trying to complete my assignment which is due Tuesday morning. But my mind is just whirling and noisy and I can't focus. I keep getting distracted by my shows, but it's not that I'm watching. I mean I've watched, but I can't keep the quotes out of my head because it's so freaking hilarious. By watching Brothers & Sisters, I've learned "lessons" which I now call Bryanisms, which I realise is plagiarising since they're not my ideas, but what the hell.

Bryanism #1: If you bake the cake, he'll come.

Kevin was mad at Nora and when she was making his birthday feast, Scotty -Kevin's husband- told her that he wasn't coming and she said that if he baked the cake, Kevin would come. And I thought it was kinda funny and I can totally imagine myself saying that to someone, so why not?

Bryanism #2: You have to care about the carrots. It's the carrots and onions and celery that ground us. Nothing is more basic than that when the whole world is shifting and changing; you got to hold on to your carrots.

Again, Sarah was telling Nora that Kevin wasn't coming and she got irritated that her mum didn't seem to understand that so she yelled at her to stop chopping the carrots 'cause it wasn't important. And Nora told her that she was wrong. And what she basically meant by that quote was that in the face of change, you have to be grounded. You have to hold your ground. Although it's a pretty serious lesson, you gotta admit, the analogy is hilarious. HOLD ON TO YOUR CARROTS PEOPLE!

Bryanism #3: If someone disapproves of you drinking when it's not even noon, just say that you're being European.

Nora walked into the kitchen and found Kevin and Sarah sipping champagne and she was shocked to see them drinking when it wasn't even noon. She expressed her concern and Kevrah (a nickname they coined for themselves when they played doubles for tennis in the past) said that they were "being European". I chuckled. And I realised that I'm gonna say that until the end of time. This is what I love about screenwriting. They always have some witty and insightful remarks which we're all gonna adopt for the rest of our lives.

So that's basically what I can't get out of my head. I keep thinking that at some point in the distant future, I'm gonna use those quotes on people and laugh. And while the prospect of that is, well, hilarious, I have serious work to do. And my mind still won't shut up. I thought the post would work, an outlet to channel my mental energies but it didn't 'cause writing about those quotes just made me even more... crazy, for lack of a better term. And now I'm telling myself, "Ok. You gotta stop 'cause you gotta hold on to your carrots and stop laughing!" And I think I'm making things worse, aren't I? Hah!

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