Monday, October 11, 2010

Grey's Anatomy recap: Soulmates, perky sister and not-so-perky brother

"I'm not G.I. Jane! I'm Attachment Barbie!" Ok, that quote was pretty epic. Really. I think it's possibly the best quote from tonight's episode although said episode was jam-packed with a lot of awesome quotes. But we'll talk about that in a second.

Tonight's episode was very Grey's. It was filled with the drama, the medicine and the humor. And as an avid fan of the show, I'm glad to see that six years later, the show still manages to retain the essence of what made it an award winning TV series. Like's resident Grey's recapper, Jennifer Armstrong mentioned, the shooting last season only served to benefit the plot for the upcoming episodes. Let's face it: Grey's got kinda strange last season, but now it's back. And better.

So we started with Cristina bursting into Mer's room in the middle of the night 'cause Owen was on-call and she was afraid to be alone. Mer then asked her to bunk with her and Derek on the bed for the night. Cristina said it was kinda weird but Mer told her not to worry since he's asleep and Cristina gave in.

Ok, hold up a minute. I really am enjoying this sisterly/soulmates bond that Mer and Cristina have going on which has clearly strengthen in the wake of the shooting, but isn't that overkill? I'm all for it. Power to the bonds of women, I say. But in all seriousness, isn't bunking with your best friend and her husband really creepy? And yeah, kinda weird? Doesn't it just seem wrong on so many levels when you imagine it? Ok you twisted people, heads out of the gutter. That being said, thank god we know Derek isn't that kind of guy.

And as expected, Derek woke up in the middle of the night, found Cristina on the bed and went back to sleep feeling really awkward 'cause he accidentally touched her hand.

Clearly, Cristina wasn't herself this episode and we saw the writers tackle the aftermath of last week's crawling-under-the-surgical-table fiasco. The Chief, the attendings and Dr Perkins (the most gorgeous and hottest trauma counselor ever with the most perfect hair) gathered around the round table (no, seriously, it was a rectangular table) to discuss the fate of Cristina Yang. A few suggested that she be relegated to admin duties because apparently, she wasn't hardcore enough to take on surgeries yet.

But Derek put forth an ultimatum. "She goes," he said, "I go." Wow, what powerful words. He knew that Meredith wouldn't be happy if Cristina got kicked out of the program or if she was assigned to admin duties because God forbid, Yang should not touch a scalpel again. So after a flurry of opinions around the "round" table, Derek strode out of the room and proclaimed, "Dr Yang, you're with me."

Yes! Yes Derek! I will go with you. Take me anywhere. Yang doesn't want you but I do! Ok, I had no idea what that sudden outburst was. Moving on. Let's pause here for a second so I can talk about James Tupper a.k.a Dr Perkins.

Though he was an ass to both Meredith and Cristina, refusing to clear the former for surgery when she's obviously the one who's ready to go back and wanting to assign the latter to admin duties (For crying out loud, you wanna put Yang in the corner? Shame on you Perkins, shame on you), he's definitely the hottest trauma counselor I've ever seen. I would fake craziness just so I can spend a private hour or two with him and gaze into his blue, blue eyes. And did I mention his perfect hair? His perfect, perfect, perfect hair? Wouldn't you just want to run your fingers through it? To quote Armstrong again, Grey's guys have a look and he's the prototype.

In bounces Derek's sister, who's a neurosurgeon as well -the Shepherds grow them like weeds- , who requested to be pointed in the direction of his office though she didn't have an appointment. Deja vu much? To be honest, I cannot stand Derek's sister. She's called Amy or Amelia for the record, just to put it out to the universe. She's so perky, and sunshiny, annoying and spoilt. And Meredith likes her! Oh my, how much our titular character has grown. I remember how much she used to hate happy, sunshiny people.

Anyway, she came to visit Derek because in her words he's "an ass who got shot and won't return her calls". And she brought him a present! Ho ho ho! A brain tumor in the form of a gorgeous guy with a stunningly cute grin whom she met when they hooked up in the airplane bathroom. Damn it! Why do these people have all the luck???

So when Derek met Amy, it wasn't pretty. I'm actually loving bitchy Derek. I mean, it's so rare to see this other side to him, except when he first met Mark and Addison. He exposed her hookup, brushed her off and rejected to "have coffee and catch up" with her. "I have a lot of sisters. If I bought them all coffee, we wouldn't have anything," he told Mer. You go Derek! I love him even more now.

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