Friday, September 25, 2009

post big 4-0 celebration

Yay! I've finally hit the big 4-0! I'll like to thank my parents, my sister and my other sister for supporting me every step of the way. For making me feel that this could be anything but a failure. I also like to thank my friends and Grey's Anatomy for inspiring a huge amount of my posts. Oh wait, I forgot. I'm not at the Academy Awards. Harhar.... that was my lame attempt to be witty. And yet, I find myself wit-less.

I'm exhausted. Deep, all the way down exhausted. And physically as well. I got to stay at Booth 3 which is a great thing because it's so freaking near City Hall MRT but I'm totally separated from my friends. Lucky them got grouped up in 2s and 3s. Although my booth mates are fun and interesting to say the least. This is it. Tomorrow, or rather today, is THE day. Big, big day. I'm kinda hoping I don't screw up tomorrow/today. I just finished an episode of Grey's Anatomy and I think it's one of the awesome episodes of the series. I cried. Inside. Like a baby. And I'm reminded of why I love this series.

Tried to prepare myself by reading up on the access zones for the grandstands but I don't have enough time for the individual synopsis. Too freaking wordy. I need to sleep early now so I can wake up early and have McDonald's breakfast before I head over. Found a new song as well (thanks to Grey's) and I love it. It's 'Drifting Further Away' by Powderfinger. Check it out.

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