Monday, September 21, 2009

blank and boring

Hmm.... if someone were to ask me now "What's up?", I would reply with "Nothing much." The same answer I've been giving for I think at least a year and many years before that and probably for many years to come. I went blog surfing just before this (not sure if 3 blogs count as surfing) and I realised my life is so boring. One big boringness. A blank, white, empty sheet.

My friend said that reading my blog is so brain taxing. And I don't think I can fault her. It's totally filled with words and no pictures. Unless you count the ones of Kris Allen and Kris Allen. Oh, and the SAJC shirt. But those are like once in a blue moon kind of posts. I never really liked taking pictures. Never found myself photogenic. I pretty much have a low self esteem. Really, I look freaking unglam in 99% of the photos I've taken.

Then I realised that I have no nice or exciting adventures to blog about. No playing in the sea or walks on the beach in Sentosa. The only thing I ever come close to blogging about is watching a movie. But hey, EVERYONE does that.

I don't know.... maybe it's the way I am? I just don't really like going out. Partly because I'm lazy and prefer spending my afternoons watching TV series and soaking up the drama the way I eat my favourite food. But I think sometimes, it's more than that. Maybe I'm scared of being ridiculed. Maybe I'm scared of people judging me. I intend to try and change so I don't spend my time at home watching Grey's Anatomy on my laptop but that change probably won't come anytime soon. My life is like a blank and empty artboard. And I'm waiting for something or someone to add colour to it. Literally.

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