Monday, January 11, 2010

12 Days of Ris-Mas

In tribute to the triple boomz Ris Low sketch from last year's Chestnuts play, I decided to make this post. The name of the play was called Chestnuts Does Christmas: Like A Hard Candy Virgin. And yes, get rid of the raised eyebrows and skeptical looks, they are referring to Madonna. The song is called 12 Days of (Ch)Ris-Mas and it goes like this.

On the 12th day of Ris-Mas, my true love gave to me:

12 months probation
11 day safari
10 ads from sponsorers
9 Engwish lessons
8 khaki jins (jeans)
7 credit cards from
6 different people
3-piece bigini
2 polar disorder
and a... diploma in hospwitallity

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