Monday, August 31, 2009

a change is gonna come

Many times I have struggled to come up with material for my post. Not that anyone sees it anyway, so technically, I shouldn't care so much. Still, sometimes, I just have this urge to write something so I come here and my mind is blank. Seriously.

It's a couple of days into the holidays and thankfully, that empty feeling is slowly fading away. I hope. I mean, I don't feel that bad now so I reckon it's disappearing. Sometimes I still feel traces of it, maybe it has something to do with me being in the house all day long. I know I need to do MedSoc supplementary paper and I heard it's the week after this. I really really hope not because I haven't even started studying yet!

September is almost here. And with it, it brings new possiblities, new opportunities and new arrivals. Like new seasons of Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl. Hah! I'm starting my new job soon. I'm kind of psyched! It's going to be at F1 Grand Prix. Haha! So while my JC peeps are slogging away, I'm watching car races and earning money for it. It's going to be hard work still, I was warned it wasn't a walk in the park. Not that I enjoy the Grand Prix anyway, I just like to gloat. Yeah, I'm bad, nasty and mean.

So here I am, a mean, nasty and grouchy person sitting at the laptop, typing rubbish. Whatever. That's what a blog is for. If you don't spew rubbish here, where else can you do that? I can't wait for the World of Warcraft movie slated to release like God knows when (considering there are no actors/actresses cast yet) and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm coming out October next year. Woooo!!!

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